Does Your Dog Have C.L.A.S.S.?
High School Puppy Class
This class is for puppies under the age of 5 months. It's focus is to build relationships with our puppies and teach them to be confident and secure with whatever life may throw at them. Puppies must have a minimum of 2 vaccines to take part in class. Classes run many times throughout the year so register now and we will let you know when the next class will be available.
Masters Intermediate Class
This class is for dogs who have taken and passed the Bachelors class. It is designed to teach dogs to have good impulse control and obedience skills in an environment that is distracting. All dogs must be fully vaccinated to attend this class and must have passed the basic obedience course as a prerequisite.
Ph.D. Advanced Class
This class is designed to teach dogs to have the obedience skills, focus and impulse control necessary to be Canine Good Neighbors in a variety of public or private settings. All dogs in this course must be fully vaccinated to attend and must have passed the Masters Intermediate Class as a prerequisite.
Rescue 101
I'm Adopted!!....Now What?!
Rescue 101 is our special program for rescues ages 4 months and up. Adopting a rescue is rewarding but can also be very challenging for the rescue dog as well as their new family. This is a 6 week program designed to build confidence in newly adopted rescues while they learn basic manners, socialization skills, leash manners, body handling, and building relationships with their owners. All dogs in this course must be fully vaccinated to attend.